Christ The Servant King Church Sunday 26th March 2023. Fairtrade themed services.
Two Fairtrade themed services, one traditional and contemplative, the second more family oriented, were led by Reverend Chris Owen.
The traditional communion service contained two bible readings in the first service, three hymns, intercessions and prayers by Heather Serle, the licensed Lay Minister for Missions, Holy communion, and a talk by Margaret Dyke BEM, a Traidcraft Representative with over 25 years’ experience. The prayers and bible readings contained many references to the call to help and assist people, especially those who are marginalized and lack opportunities. Many of the parables Jesus told had social justice as the bedrock.
The second service was more modern and family-oriented in scope, the Reverend Chris Owen again leading the worship, and making many links with Fairtrade and social justice. Heather Serle led the prayers and choruses, supported by the choir.
Margaret Dykes than gave a different talk about the recent news of Traidcraft going into administration, but the work of the Transform Trade charity goes on as does the wider Fair Trade movement.
Mike King, Chairman of Wycombe For Fairtrade, then gave a 15-minute presentation, reminding the congregation of the purpose of Fairtrade and the reasons why supporting fair trade is essential, allowing producers, workers, and artisans access to world markets, receiving a guaranteed minimum price for their products, and the Fairtrade Premium, paid to local communities to invest in their businesses, infrastructure projects, or improving health care or schooling.
Mike King then used a 15-slide Powerpoint presentation to relate the journey of a Fairtrade coffee bean from the coffee bush to the time it arrives in a Fairtrade coffee bag in the supermarket. The audience were thoroughly engaged.
Afterward Mike and Sheena King helped Margaret and Bill Dykes run a Fairtrade stall in the church foyer. This also included taking orders for Meaningful Chocolate Easter Eggs. This stall was well supported by the congregation making just over £500.00 in sales and orders.
Mike King
Chairman, Wycombe for Fairtrade