Saturday 11th May – M&S Eden Store
We had a stand in the M&S Eden Store on this day. Our idea was to let the people know about:
- The Wycombe steering group
- High Wycombe as a fairtrade town
- Fairtrade in general (premium, the producers)
- Our link with Grecia in Costa Rica)
- M&S Fairtrade Products
The only non-food Fairtrade shop in High Wycombe is @Ruby Moon (63 Castle St). Please visit them and you can find a great variety of Fair Trade products. You can also see this video for more information about the shop. Thanks Claire for your time !
Last Saturday during the celebration of World Fair Trade day, we received a visit on our stand in M&S Eden store from Cllr Matt Knight, who was presented that day as the new Deputy Mayor of High Wycombe. We wish all the best to Matt in his new role and we are looking forward to work with him in all our campaigns in the town.
In the photo above, Matt is carrying a Coffee bag from CoopeVictoria R.L.,the Fairtrade coffee Producers from Grecia, Costa Rica. We are also looking forward to continuing to work with Grecia as a Fairtade town in Costa Rica to have links with High Wycombe, as part of the consolidation of a North-South bridge.
The town of Grecia and CoopeVictoria R.L. in Costa Rica sent us some words to us as part of the celebration and also as part of the links we have been working together in recent months
Sunday 12th May – The Pann Mill Open day in the Rye
The video below was recorded when we had a stand at this regular local event.