Meeting of 12th April 2016

Micklefield Library, Micklefield Road

Those present:
Mike King Jhon Munoz
Sheena King Bob Smith
Sarah Moroz Tony Thornby

Apologies: Lauren Troiano, Matt Knight

JM – Liberation sell two of their products to Waitrose (some stores) and will be contacting the new Waitrose at Handy Cross
SK – the cafe in the new sports centre sells Fairtrade drinks
TT – the Booker cash & carry own brand is FT. A new Costco will be opening up near the new Next at Handy Cross
MK joined the meeting
MK – has been speaking to a meeting of the Wycombe Labour Group in next room. There was a Bucks County councillor there and he said he will take up the issue of signage for us. MK told him that Chesham FT group are also asking for this.

Discussion re: Fairtrade art competition and arranging day for judging. Potentially Thursday of this week – SM will liaise with TT.
Also discussion re: whether we could have a presentation of prizes at the Wycombe Environment Centre on or around World Fairtrade Day, May 14th. Also perhaps ask if we could display the winning entries at the WEC.
TT – another possible venue is above the shops near the Metro Bank – a large gallery area belonging to Amersham & Wycombe College.
BS – another place could be in the upstairs Guild Hall rooms at the end of the High Street
SM – prizes for art competition: have obtained some FT Easter eggs and Divine chocolate bars from Traidcraft. Could also include FT leaflets/stickers + book by Robert, friend of Tony’s who is doing the judging.

MK – re: FT status renewal certificate presentation on Feb 29th – felt it was a good success. Lesley Clarke sent an apology following it and she is still supportive. There was also an apology from Raj at Peros – he had an operation and someone was supposed to come in his place but there was a breakdown in communications
SM – sent press release to the Bucks Free but it wasn’t published.

SK – Nic, the manager of the Wycombe Oxfam shop is moving to live in Wycombe and may want to get involved in our steering group

MK – the new Waitrose at Handy Cross has a cafe in it with FT drinks.

MK – re: Chesham group’s coffee-tasting evening during FT fortnight. It was a very good event and speaker (we could invite to one of our events?) – he has his own coffee-growing company.

SK – re: £250 cheque from Christ the Servant King. We could use it to obtain a banner
TT/SK – both have contacts who could help with this – both will follow this up.
MK – will try to get an appointment to set up our bank account. Non-profit making groups now come under the Business Managers.
SM – will organise a cash-book/kitty arrangement once the bank account is in place, to show transparency in our use of the money.
MK/SK – went to a Wycombe Friends of the Earth film event. The film was called ‘This Changes Everything’ re: climate change. A very interesting and thought-provoking film. It took place at the Friends Meeting House.

SM – will check with Matt Knight re: meeting date at Hills cafe for our next meeting

JM – spoke about his trip to meet the growers for Liberation nuts in Bolivia. The FT premium in Bolivia has been invested in houses for the workers in the jungle where they gather the nuts. Also in irrigation and health and education materials for the children.
MK – could we have a link with a community there?
JM – e-mail contact is possible

Next meeting: to be advised

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