WMicklefield Library, Micklefield Road
Those present:
Mike King Bob Smith
Sheena King Lauren Troiano
Sarah Moroz Colin Cartwright
Gill Walker
MK – discussion re: obtaining a banner like the Chesham group’s one.
CC – there is a template on the FT Foundation website. They then had it produced by a local printer.
Discussion re: FT Town signs on roads leading into Wycombe. LT and MK both sent e-mails to Gemma at BidsCo (no response yet)
LT – will speak to Ruth Gunstone to see if she can ask about it.
BS – re: raised flower bed near old library. He has written to the council to ask if we can have a FT design.
CC – based their design last year on the Edinburgh city one but it was expensive – over £1,000
MK – has a meeting coming up with Peros’s sales manager.
MK – mentioned the FT jewellery workshop that is being organised by BNU
GW – her daughter is a silversmith who did a course at BNU and may be willing to help. LT will contact her via GW.
SM – re: FT Art Competition. Oakridge school has responded and would like to take part. They are also interested in someone coming to the school during FT Fortnight to promote FT and SM is trying to arrange this with Margaret Dykes. The school is also planning to hold a FT Big Breakfast.
LT – has contacts at schools in Hazlemere and Chiltern Gate school.
SM – will send schools letter and flyer to LT.
MK – went to a meeting of Wycombe Friends of the Earth.
SK – Wycombe F of E have been invited to the John Hampden ‘Politicon’ event on Wednesday 24th February (6pm – 9pm), which will involve stalls of various local campaign groups. SK has arranged for our group to have a stall as well.
SM – will e-mail TT to see if he can make it as well.
LT – will also be able to come and will put together 2 role descriptions for volunteers that we could give to students (eg. helping with website etc and helping with campaigning)
BS – Morrisons no longer stock FT satsumas
CC – described the ‘Christmas in Chesham’ event at which they used their large FT advent calendar. They were also asked to do the catering at a Carol Service when the catering company dropped out. They made mince pies etc and hope to do it again next year.
LT – BNU are currently renewing their FT status. LT is writing the report and there should be no problems. They have plans for FT Fortnight. LT showed their 2-week schedule of events. This is the 3rd year of their ‘Smile’ event (on Monday 22nd February).
GW – offered to lend their banana costumes for this.
LT – the 1st week of the Fortnight coincides with student volunteer week. They are also having some stickers made. BNU have approached the council and BidCo re: sprucing up the underpass. A mural is being designed by students and it will incorporate the FT logo etc, showing that BNU is a FT uni and that Wycombe is a FT town.
GW – Bucks CC have come back to them, saying that they do not have advertising on signs.
Discussion re: the presentation evening on Monday 29th February. The Multifaith Chaplaincy will be providing the refreshments. Ruth Gunstone is definitely speaking. We are also hoping to get a speaker from the FT Foundation and MK will try to get in touch with Greg Valerio (FT gold speaker at the Bristol conference). SM asked if we could also have some local refreshments.
GW – they have a local produce stall in Chesham once a month. SM will e-mail GW for the date of the next one.
SK – had an e-mail from Ivan (F of E) re World FT Day – offering for us to have a stall at the Environment Centre and Ivan could show the FT film.
SK – showed a leaflet re: the ‘real Easter egg’ from Traidcraft and she will be advertising it at her church.
BS – may be able to sell these at their church too. He has stopped doing the FT stalls now.
LT – they are also doing ‘banana pledge cards’ for students to sign and they will then make bunting out of them.
CC – the Chesham group will feature in an article in the next edition of the FT Towns newsletter.
They have produced a leaflet in the past, giving details of FT stockists etc in Chesham. It was A5 and they produced it in-house.
Next meeting: Tuesday 9th February 2016
Chesham group next meeting: Tuesday 16th February (Jean Pritchard’s house)