Meeting of 12th March 2013


Minutes of meeting: 12th March 2013

Micklefield Library, Micklefield Road

Those present:

Mike King, Sarah Moroz, Sheena King, Bob Smith, Matt Knight, Tony Thornby

SM/SK – reported back on their meeting at Local Roots with Vidya and Oliver O’Dell/Gemma from the High Wycombe Bid Company. Oliver and Gemma were focussed on wanting us to justify why Wycombe should be a Fairtrade Town and what’s in it for the town’s businesses. They were interested in TT’s business connections.

We need to send them some information about the 5 criteria which need to be met in order to become a FT Town and the listings of retailers etc in High Wycombe which we have complied.

TT – he is a member of the Central Business Hub networking group, who are all supportive of our campaign.

MKn – asked a question re: petitions in general at the full council meeting on 28th Feb. Also, after the meeting he spoke with Hugh McCarthy who said that he had taken the FT Town idea to both his group (Conservatives) and to the Town Committee and had met with resistance on both fronts. However, Hugh said that he was personally supportive. The resistance could be because some Conservative councillors represent rural communities and may think that Fairtrade is competition with this.

BS – sent MKn’s drafted e-mail to his 3 local councillors and got some encouraging response – one of the councillors said they would discuss our campaign with their colleagues and see if we can present our case to the next Town Committee meeting.

It was decided to try to organise a meeting with Alex Collingwood/Hugh McCarthy before the next Town Committee meeting. This would perhaps involve MK, TT and AE and we could also invite Vidya.

MK – mentioned again about the possibility of contacting the Witney Fairtrade group to see how their campaign achieved success. This is David Cameron’s constituency.

SM – will try to communicate with them.

TT – showed an Open University article about free trade. He may send it to Alex Collingwood in the run-up to a meeting with him.

MK – asked what we should be doing to support World Fair Trade Day? – Saturday 11th May.

MKn – it would be good to do something involving local businesses.

TT – perhaps link with Peros.

SM/SK – could talk to Vidya to see if she has any ideas.

MKn – at the very least, we could perhaps do an event at Local Roots.

SK – has been contacted by Ivan to see if we want to be involved on May 1st, when they have another event, this time on fracking. High Wycombe Friends of the Earth group would be there. SK will speak to SS to see if she will be available (SM, BS and MK will probably not be able to make it).

TT – will try to get a letter from Ruth Gunstan at Bucks New Uni, stating their support for us.

BS – had a Fairtrade table at The Avenue Methodist Church and will be repeating this on a second occasion next week.

SK – has also had a Fairtrade table at her church (now called Christ the Servant King) on 3rd March and raised £255.


Next meeting: 16th April 2013 TBC




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