Minutes of meeting: 15th November 2016
Micklefield Library, Micklefield Road
Those present:
Mike King Jhon Munoz
Sheena King Bob Smith
Sarah Moroz
MK – has received the first bank statement from Barclays. Currently there is £170 in the account. He attended the Bucks New Uni Fairtrade committee last Thursday. Amy How was there, also Jenny Wade (executive officer for student learning) and the person who did the jewellery making last FT Fortnight (Janet Goodman). MK showed listing of BNU’s suggestions for FT Fortnight. In 2017 this will not clash at all with the other BNU fundraising week. Suggestions include: Wine & Cheese evening, FT quiz evening, repeat of jewellery making with recycled glass, FT fashion show, Fondu party with FT chocolate and FT fruit. They will still do the FT volleyball event. Also may get FT donations for a hamper which will then be raffled.
BNU hoodies etc are currently FT. Janet Goodman suggested that the museum would be a good place to hold an exhibition. The shop ‘Ruby Moon’ in Castle Street may also be a useful link (we could set up an exhibition there?) – they sell FT crafts.
If we had an event at BNU, we would be covered by their insurance. MK will ask Peros/Bewleys for donations of choc muffins etc.
MK/SK – attended the Wycombe Environment Centre AGM on Saturday. The WEC is moving to premises in Lance Way, in combination with another group. It may be a new-build. It has a garden – all based on community projects. Don’t know move date yet. The new premises would not be in centre of town but the costs in the Chiltern shopping Centre were too high. One of BNU’s energy officers is on the committee for WEC. Hamish is not part of WEC anymore. There are now 4 on the board of trustees rather than 7. Frances Alexander is still there. Ivan is also on the board.
MK – Matt Knight has asked if we would like to do the catering for the Mayor’s carol concert – not sure on date of this.
SM – will get in touch with the contact given by MKn to get further details.
SM – presented ideas for the FT Schools competition. Plan is to ask Years 5 and 6 to design a T-shirt and the winning designs would hopefully then be printed on FT cotton.
JM – suggested he may be able to get some FT footballs which could be given as prizes to the winning schools.
MK/SK – have talked to the new manager of the Oxfam shop. May be an idea to have an event at the shop (chocolate tasting?).
MK – could perhaps hold an event in All Saints FT cafe.
SK – talked about the FT Fortnight theme ‘It’s time to put Fairtrade in Your Break’ and pointed out an article from Wycombe District Council about Wycombe radio being brought back. Suggested having small information snippets on FT that we could have broadcast during FT Fortnight.
MK – BNU are talking about producing a leaflet promoting local retailers that stock FT. MK showed a sheet listing Wycombe retailers and their products which he based on the one produced by St Andrews FT group in Scotland.
Next meeting: To be arranged