Micklefield Library, Micklefield Road
Those present:
Mike King Sarah Moroz
Sheena King Bob Smith
MK – saw Karen Johnstone and Lauren Trioano today and has picked up the donations from Peros for the Fairtrade stall and One Can swap shop plus 4 types of tea for the tea-tasting extravaganza. Bucks New Uni are also getting some goods from David Sparks. Natasha Eden (customer relations associate) will be speaking for Peros at the certificate presentation event on 2nd March (together with her colleague Raj). Lesley Clarke and her husband will also be coming. A form from Wycombe District Council needs to be filled in to account for Lesley’s time and what is expected of her.
SM – will contact the Bucks Free Press to arrange for a photographer for 2nd March
MK – received the ‘Fairtrade Matters’ DVD today
SM – re: Traidcraft speaker – is trying to get in touch with Margaret Dykes. Either David or Barbara Sparks will be there but would rather not speak.
MK – will also be going to the Bucks New Uni volley ball event on Tuesday 24th Feb. Needs to find out where the tea-tasting is taking place. The students are organising this.
It would be good if someone from the Uni could come along to our meetings.
SK/BS – are both doing Traidcraft stalls on 1st March: The Avenue church (BS) and Christ the Servant King (SK). On 5th March SK and Maggie are holding a Big Brew event at CSK.
MK – there is a new Tesco Express opening in Sands.
Next meeting: To be arranged