Meeting of 17th June 2015

Micklefield Library, Micklefield Road

Those present:

Mike King                      Bob Smith

Sheena King                  Tony Thornby

Sarah Moroz

Fairtrade Town renewal:

MK- We need a resume of what we have done this year eg. Fairtrade Town certificate presentation event. MK feels it was a good way of doing this, rather than just presenting it at a council meeting.

Also we have to achieve renewal of our motion at Wycombe council. Lesley Clarke has said previously that this wouldn’t be a problem. We need to check on the best way of doing it (via Lesley Clarke’s PA, also check with MKn?)

Links with other groups:

Wycombe Environment Centre                   WI

Transition Town group                                  Friends of the Earth

Oxfam                                                               Bucks New Uni

Save the Children                                           Chesham steering group

SK – has heard that one of the Wycombe WI groups is having a Fairtrade speaker in October (Margaret Dykes, speaking at Cedar Park school on 1st October at 7.30pm).

MK – we could ask the council which meetings use Fairtrade products.

TT – need to see if it is possible to get the road signs for Wycombe, saying that Wycombe is a Fairtrade Town.

SM – perhaps we could ask MKn to pursue this (SK – Matt is on the Town Committee).

MK – Trevor Snaith said at the Civic reception that there was money for these. This would show council support and action.

TT – it would keep reminding residents and visitors that we are a Fairtrade Town.

MK – we also have to update the number of Fairtrade goods in the town’s retail/catering outlets.

TT – the Cash & Carry at Booker have Fairtrade own-brand tea and coffee

SM – also need to find out if any local hotels have Fairtrade refreshments

SK – All Saints Church have opened a cafe within the church and they are a Fairtrade church.

TT – it would be good to see if any companies eg. in Cressex have Fairtrade in their staff canteens.

SM – idea for a painting/colouring competition for schools

TT – Peros could perhaps provide a prize. Also TT knows a cartoonist who may be able to judge it.

MK – children could do pictures of original produce (cocoa beans/cotton etc) and then the finished articles (chocolate/shirts etc)

MK – we could target it for next year’s Fairtrade Fortnight.

MK – it would also be good to produce stickers for retailers to put in windows – Peros may be able to help with this.

MK – we can also update our website as we make progress on these ideas.

The ‘Love Wycombe’ event did not happen this year.

SM – maybe we could ask Nick, Manager of the Oxfam shop, to come to our next meeting.

MK – Lauren is still in post at Bucks New Uni and will be next year.

SM – we should get some ideas at the Bristol Fairtrade Towns conference in July.

MK – we need to increase the number of areas represented on the steering group.

TT – some people may be willing to put their names on the steering group list without actually coming to meetings eg. someone from Peros. We could also involve a local furniture company re: sustainability. It would also be good to have someone from a local hotel or restaurant. We could hold a fundraising event at one of these – a meal + raffle etc.

SK – had a good stall at Radnage last Sunday: raised about £120.

MK – will make a draft of our responses to the renewal application.

SM – will try to contact hotels etc before next meeting re: do they provide any Fairtrade options.

Next meeting:  22nd July 2015

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