Meeting of 22nd July 2015

Micklefield Library, Micklefield Road

Those present:

Mike King                      Bob Smith

Sheena King                  Tony Thornby

Sarah Moroz

Re: Fairtrade Town renewal application Action Plan

MK – re: motion to Wycombe District Council – this will be ‘rubber-stamping’ exercise rather than having to get the motion passed again.

TT – re: signage on the roads into Wycombe. If there are no funds available from WDC, we may have to think of fund-raising activities

MK – we could also ask Bucks New Uni, BidsCo and Peros

SM – another group we chatted to at the Bristol conference did want to pay some money towards their signs, so as to maintain some control over them. Also, we could perhaps get a petition together of businesses who would support the road signs (eg. Marks and Spencers) – signing the petition wouldn’t cost businesses anything.

TT – it would also be good to get a banner made saying ‘Wycombe is now a Fairtrade Town’ which we could use. Vistaprint make them

SK – there is a lady at the Oxfam shop who is very gifted artistically and could perhaps design a banner

TT – will try to find out who will be providing the refreshments at the new sports centre

BS – we could approach the Bucks Free Press with an article asking who is out there who stocks Fairtrade

MK – showed a leaflet produced by Monmouth called ‘Finding Fairtrade in Monmouth’ and listing ‘Where to drink Fairtrade’, ‘Where to buy Fairtrade’ and local supporters including ‘Work Places’, ‘Churches’ and ‘Community Groups + Meeting Places’. Also ‘Accommodation Providers serving Fairtrade products’

MK – another idea is to arrange an award scheme

TT – will try to find out who provides the food/drink at the Clare Foundation as they have a shared canteen so this would automatically cover several businesses.

MK – St Vincent 2nd Generation (SV2G) event on the Rye – possibility of having a stall at this year’s event?

TT – we should lobby community centres to serve Fairtrade – also British Legions etc

MK – we should also include pubs which have accommodation

MK – we need to make more use of Twitter/Facebook etc

SK – maybe Peros would do an article for the Link magazine

MK – it would be good to do our own version of the Monmouth leaflet. Also window stickers for supportive shops/caterers.

MK – Twinning idea

Next meeting:   To be arranged

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