Meeting of 2nd December 2014

Christ Church, Flackwell Heath

Those present:
Mike King Sarah Moroz
Sheena King Bob Smith

There was a discussion re: the presentation of our Fairtrade Town award to Wycombe council. We were not able to get onto the agenda for the full council meeting on 15th December.
SM – Rachael from the Fairtrade Foundation had agreed to come on the 15th but would not be able to come to the next full council meeting on February 26th as this was too close to Fairtrade Fortnight.

MK – has spent time on the Barclays account forms and decided to go for 2 signatories. We will need to have a meeting with a Business manager.

SK – showed an article from Link magazine which she had written re: Fairtrade in Wycombe. She has also had an article in the magazine of Christ the Servant King church in October.
SM – could also use the article to send to BidCo for their magazine. SM to contact Gemma.

MK – need to organise an event for Fairtrade Fortnight. Could show a film at Bucks New Uni. Pointed out one that was mentioned in Fair Comment (magazine of FT Foundation) which was 15min long and will be available in mid-February. Should we do this in combination with churches, Bucks New Uni or how?
SK – Joyce/Malcolm could perhaps do a talk as well as the film?
MK – could talk to Karen Johnson (the inter-faith coordinator and curate at Bucks New Uni) and to Ruth Gunstone (who sits on the BidCo group) and find out who has replaced Jack Badu. Our event could be in combination with something they are planning?
SK – it would be good to have our next meeting soon after Christmas and get someone from Bucks New Uni to come along.

BS – tried to make contact with the St Vincent 2nd Generation group (SV2G) but drew a blank. Asked people he knows, one of whom came over from St Vincent on the boat and they asked their daughter but they didn’t know about SV2G. BS has heard that they have a steel band though.
SM – it would be good to get a steel band along to an event we organise.

BS – has heard that there is a world shortage of cocoa.

Next meeting: Tuesday 6th/13th Jan

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