Minutes of meeting: 6th September 2016
Micklefield Library, Micklefield Road
Those present:
Mike King Sarah Moroz
Sheena King Tony Thornby
Jhon Munoz
SM – Matt Knight has e-mailed to say he is not sure if the mayor’s carol concert is going ahead this year re: us doing the catering – he will let us know. He will also arrange for us to have a market stall, if we give him some potential dates.
MK – we (MK + SM) have now had a meeting with Barclays and arranged to set up a bank account. SK has spoken to the treasurer at her church, as the cheque they had donated needed to be rewritten.
JM – Nic is leaving Oxfam High Wycombe
SK – they are recruiting at the moment
MK – will be attending the Fairtrade Foundation regional supporters’ meeting, together with SK
JM – went last year – it was a good meeting
TT – we always seem to get lumped in with London – it would be easier to go in the opposite direction
JM – Nicola Bunting has now taken over the role of Becca Rowland on the executive committee
JM – showed a document on public procurement for FT Towns + a leaflet entitled ‘Fairtrade Matters’
SK – re: Pann Mill open day – looking at the forecast, there is little chance of rain.
The organisers are asking for us to have public liability insurance.
TT – has a contact and will ask him + get a quick response
SK – has also e-mailed the lady at Pann Mill re: insurance. If the FT Foundation doesn’t have an umbrella insurance policy, this is something that could be brought up at the London meeting. SK has info re: a Traidcraft campaign which we could promote on the stall and has a petition re: UK companies causing harm abroad.
TT – will bring a camera
SM – will try to create a flyer to advertise our group
JM – offered to put articles on our Facebook page
TT – after he has finished his chairmanship of the Marlow Chamber of Commerce, he will work on our website. He may be limited by its original set-up via the Lib Dems
MK – it may be possible to set up a free website of our own
TT – there may be better ones at only a small charge.
SM – has been trying to work out a plan for a schools competition – maybe re: a T-shirt design
SK – Bob has e-mailed the man from the council re: a flowerbed design outside the old library
MK – the students are back soon at the Bucks New Uni and he will follow up re: painting of underpass – it was mentioned previously that it would be possible to include ‘Wycombe is a Fairtrade Town’
Next meeting: Tuesday 11th October