Those Present
Mike King
Ivan Cicin-Sain – Wycombe Friends of the Earth
Sheena King
Sarah Moroz
I C-S (present for first 40mins session)
MK – re: correction to minutes of 13.10.20 – it was his compilation report of collaboration with Grecia/Coope Victoria since October 2019 that he sent out to the SE Regional Fairtrade rep and to FT Head Office, not the Chairman and Treasurers’ reports. He also sent it to Joanna Pollard who organised the FT Yorkshire forum on 19th October.
Setting up mini-teams & shadowing of roles
MK – main agenda item to be discussed is re: shadowing/mini-teams.
SM – would like to shadow on Wycombe Friends of the Earth matters
MK – would be willing to deputise for John
SK – interested in shadowing SM on secretarial and churches
SM – willing to shadow on Traidcraft links
MK – would like to shadow on website ie. TT
I C-S – willing to shadow on Facebook etc ie. JM
SM – wasn’t on rota sent out for monitoring e-mail
Mk – must have been an error – asked if SM would be willing to do rest of this month SM –ok with that
I C-S – knows a bit about funding, so willing to help on sourcing funding
MK – AM is keen on Wycombe churches and faith groups
SK/SM – also willing to help on this
MK – re: schools. He is interested in this. JM may be as well
I C-S – willing to help on international links and sustainability/climate change etc
MK – Costa Rica is very strong on environmental issues
I C-S – he may not be needed on shadowing on Facebook as TT/JM are both covering this.
SM –asked if we should write paragraph about our roles
MK – yes – if these are sent to him he will amalgamate them and put the document onto our Gridhost e-mail page
Update on Wycombe FOE/Population Matters
I C-S – nothing to report on this at the moment
SM – asked re: Ecobuzz
I C-S – it is the name of Wycombe Environment Centre’s Facebook page
Grecia/Coope Victoria Link
MK – Coope V have sent through the English version of banner
There was a discussion re: wording on banner
SK – liked the word ‘partnership’ instead of brotherhood
MK – TT has found a printer who will print it for about £36 (2m x 80cm).
I C-S – wondering if we are still Wycombe for Fairtrade or are we Wycombe Fairtrade
MK – the former
Other matters
I C-S – have WFF done any videos? They could be put onto You Tube.
MK – JM has some interviews and MK has some (one at Pann Mill)
MK – for rest of agenda, he has put info on Gridhost. On 9th Nov Bucks New Uni had an Environmental / Sustainability / Fairtrade committee meeting but he sent them the wrong details and couldn’t join the meeting. Students and staff are currently only going in 50% of the time. Jane Collis is still there (MK met her a few years ago) and he has now sent his correct details to her but they haven’t appointed a FT rep yet. They have sent minutes through to MK.
Re: the paper he wrote with Tony B and Maria Angela – this has now been sent off to the Journal for FT. Are awaiting their acknowledgement and to hear if it is going to be sent out for peer review. They also have ideas for follow up articles. Tony B put in a lot of work. He is a social justice campaigner and has a lot of knowledge in this area.
SK – nothing to report on finances
SK – will send out details of bank account so we can each pay our subscriptions starting in January.
MK – was going to try to get a Zoom meeting with Lesley Clarke, together with JM. JM is very busy at the moment so MK may do this on his own. MK wants to ask re: new council structure. The wards will be bigger as not so many councillors. Does this mean less representation for smaller parties? There will be a Town Council for Wycombe though.
MK – re: Yorkshire conference – importance of establishing producer/consumer links was talked about. We are already doing this. MK wants to establish links in other parts of the world as well – South America, Caribbean, South Africa etc.
There will be a Webinar on 25th Nov 6.30 – 8pm Traidcraft Exchange re: how producers can adapt in the current climate
MK – is drafting a letter to Steve Baker re: changes to the group which scrutinises how international aid is spent
Next meeting: