Those present
- Mike King
- Sarah Moroz
- Sheena King
- Tony Thornby
Jhon Munoz and Ivan Cicin-Sain – hope to join later in meeting
No corrections were suggested to the minutes from 21/04/21
Bucks Climate Action Alliance
MK – 113 Conservative councillors were elected out of 147 as a result of local elections. MK went to post-election Zoom meeting. The BCAA issues were got out there and BCAA will continue – the long-term aim is to educate the public and councillors on climate change and the urgency regarding it. A number of independent candidates also got in. In MK’s ward 2 Labour candidates and a Conservative got in. Matt Knight and Steve Guy were both elected. MK/SK found out today that the new mayor of Wycombe is Andrea Baughan. She is very pro-environment and FT. MK suggests that we send a message of congratulations from the steering group and say that we look forward to working with her.
SM – agreed
MK – BCAA decided that they will need to work with all the councillors
Website/Social Media
TT – recently has been trying to keep content going – but we do have a challenge because since beginning of year the highest view was 11 views for the post re: WFF joining the BCAA. We have a lot of followers on our Facebook page but not views on the website
SM – wondering if we should advertise our next meeting date
TT – there has been an upgrade to WordPress and it has affected some of the navigation of web pages on our website. TT will try to fix it
Wycombe Council
MK – someone suggested to him that Bucks Council don’t want Wycombe to have a Town Council because of all the properties they own.
SM – perhaps we should invite Matt to our next meeting to fill us in on current situation at Bucks Council and Wycombe
MK – we could perhaps meet physically next time – either at Matt’s Cafe, Micklefield Library or Avenue church.
TT – has just Googled – there is still a town committee for Wycombe – they have a meeting on 26th May.
Treasurer’s report
SK – we had £251.75 in our account at our last meeting date. It was agreed then to give a £50 donation to the St Vincent appeal. MK paid this from his account and then we reimbursed MK from the WFF account. Hence the balance will now be £201.75.
Wycombe Sound
MK – MK and TT went on Wycombe Sound on 7th May.
SK – Claudia (their Spanish teacher) listened to it and was full of praise for this (she has done radio interviews herself)
MK – they were on for 35 mins
Wycombe Friends of the Earth
I C-S – Wycombe FOE are active in the Wycombe Environment group – a sub-group of the Wycombe Community board which is part of the council. It is led by Penelope Tollett – an ex-council officer – they have done a lot of work on a Bee Day.
Other local Fairtrade groups
I C-S – has researched most local FT groups – Windsor & Maidenhead, Henley and Chesham – perhaps we could invite their co-ordinators to part or whole of one of our meetings
SK – maybe we could have ‘guest speakers’ at some of our meetings
MK – we have had contact with Chesham, Witney and Oxford groups in the past. Oxford group are also developing international contacts.
MK – for our next meeting perhaps we could invite Matt. Thereafter invite someone from one of the other local groups.
TT – there is an environmental action group in Marlow – being led by same person who is leader of the Town Council
MK – Bucks New Uni are having problems engaging students on FT issues at the moment. Tuition has been largely on-line for last 2 terms. They don’t have a rep specifically for FT. MK has asked if such a person could be part of our steering group once they are appointed.
Places of Worship mini-team
MK – re: the e-mail from Chrysi since last meeting – there are 5 places of worship in and around Wycombe which have responded to the Fairtrade Foundation’s enquiries – but she is not able to tell us which ones as they haven’t given their permission for their data to be given out. Perhaps we need a mini-group meeting to decide our way ahead.
SM – need some clarity from Chrysi on use of portal etc
SK – noticed that St Mary and St George wasn’t on Angus’s list. Their website is but there is no e-mail address. SK/MK’s neighbour, Lesley Hatton, who is a lay Methodist preacher would be able to pass information round the Methodist circuit.
MK – will contact Chrysi and try to clarify method of communication for Places of Worship who want to register/re-register.
Grecia/Coope Victoria link
MK – JM can’t make it tonight due to a work commitment. JM wanted to say re: World FT Day, that, in addition to the Wycombe Sound radio interview, JM went into various shops in Wycombe which sell FT goods and did videos for Grecia/Coope Victoria for World FT Day. On 15th May, MK, JM and SK attended an on-line meeting (in Spanish) with Grecia/Coope Victoria during which some videos were shown that Grecia/Coope Victoria have produced promoting and explaining FT. Today, MK has sent off the banner to be printed.
SK – thought the meeting was very professional. JM had sent Powerpoint presentations beforehand so they were able to go through it.
MK – they are also promoting the ‘Coope Victoria experience’, where members of the public can go to them and learn about what they do.
MK – JM’s wife has sent the e-mail to the Headteacher at Wycombe High. Waiting to hear back.
SK – mentioned that it is Bob’s anniversary today. Thinking of Maggie and rest of family.
Next meeting
To be arranged