Meeting Venue
The Avenue Methodist Church, Rutland Avenue
Topics discussed
Wycombe and Grecia/Coope Victoria Partnership
- 2 representatives from Coope Victoria will be able to attend the International Fair Trade Towns Conference 21st – 23rd September and then meet with a roaster and wholesaler in the UK on Sept 26th
- Will be a Zoom meeting on 8th Sept to discuss arrangements for this
- CLAC will be using our work as a template for future partnerships
Treasurers report
Pann Mill event on 10/09/23
Will be selling Fairtrade goods and remaining few bags of the partnership coffee
Fairtrade Town renewal
Most of the on-line renewal has now been completed
Ideas and Initiatives
- Try to attend meetings of local environmental groups
- Recruitment drive
- Liaison with Bucks New Uni and Highcrest
- Try to further our contact with other schools – assemblies/arrange talk
- Town signage – raise issue with Mayor
Next meeting:
Tuesday 17th October at The Avenue Church 8pm