Wycombe For Fairtrade Steering Group (referred to below as the Group)
- To promote the concept of Fairtrade.
- To raise awareness of the Fairtrade mark among businesses, retailers, employers and the general public in High Wycombe.
- Work to increase the sales of Fairtrade products in High Wycombe.
- To maintain the status of High Wycombe as a Fairtrade Town, in accordance with guidelines issued by the Fairtrade Foundation.
- To support and advocate ethical; organic; sustainable; and environmentally sound farming practices internationally and locally.
The Group shall have the power to:-
- Raise and use funds.
- Organise events.
- Publicise events, activities, and projects by all appropriate means.
- Subscribe to or co-operate with other related groups and organisations.
- Appoint working parties to carry out particular tasks as required.
- Adhere to whatever health and safety, data protection, privacy laws, and other local requirements that may relate to group activities.
Membership of the Steering Group shall be open to any individual living in High Wycombe or the surrounding area and representatives from groups and organisations, active within the town, which are interested in and committed to the objectives of Fairtrade.
The Group should ideally include:
- Members from High Wycombe’s Majority and Minority political parties.
- A wide range of other groups should also be represented including faith groups; retailers stocking Fairtrade items; caterers; voluntary organisations; businesses; schools; and the local university.
- New members shall be accepted on to the Steering Committee by majority agreement of the existing Steering Group members.
- The maximum number of Group members shall be 15.
- New members will need to complete a membership application form providing their name, address, pertinent skills, email, and telephone contact information for the purposes of Steering Group communication and internal data to operate our organization efficiently..
- New applicants need to attend 90% of Steering Committee meetings during the year to qualify for full membership of the Group.
- Individuals and organisations who support the objectives of Fairtrade but do not wish to serve on as full-time Steering Group may become Affiliate Members. Affiliate membership will be free. Affiliates will be kept informed of Group activities and be invited to take part in events. They will be expected to attend 3 Steering Group meetings per annum.
- There will be an annual registration membership fee for full members:-
Adults – £15.00 per annum.
Concessions e.g. OAPs – £10.00 per annum.
Students and young people – £5.00 per annum.
The introduction of an annual membership fee is both to generate some revenue for Wycombe For Fairtrade and to encourage engagement and commitment on the part of the new or existing member.
Core Members of the Group shall be made up of:
- Chairman and Fairtrade Foundation link – Mike King
- Secretary and Schools Liaison Officer – Sarah Moroz
- Treasurer and Traidcraft Liaison Officer – Sheena King
- Website Manager and Local Business link – Tony Thornby
- International and Latin American Links Officer – Jhon Munoz.
- Churches and Faith Groups Officer – Angus Massie
- Affiliate Member – Lesley Hatton
Other Members of the Group may be asked to take on specific tasks or roles from time to time.
Officers to be elected by the Group and to hold office for one year or until the next Annual General Meeting, when they may be nominated for re-election.
- There will be meetings approximately every 6 weeks with a minimum of 8 Group meetings per year, including an Annual General Meeting.
- At least 7 days’ notice to be given of ordinary Steering Group meetings.
- Items for the agenda may be put forward by any Group member.
- At least 4 members of the Group must be present for decisions to be taken to be made quorate.
Decisions to be made by consensus wherever possible. If a vote is necessary, each Group member shall have one vote. The Chairman shall have an additional casting vote where necessary.
Any Group member who fails to attend more than 3 consecutive meetings without giving notice, may be asked to confirm their interest in remaining a member. Where confirmation is not received in good time, such membership will be deemed to have lapsed.
Annual General Meeting:
To be held every 12 to 15 months. Three weeks notice to be given of the date, time, and the location of the meeting to be publicly advertised. Business to include:
- An annual review of the Wycombe For Fairtrade’s activities as compared with the criteria for Fairtrade Towns set down by the Fairtrade Foundation and the Group objectives for that period.
- Presentation of the Group’s accounts/finances.
- Election of officers.
- Only existing Steering Group members will be entitled to vote on AGM resolutions and the election of officers.
Any money raised shall be used for the objectives set out by the Fairtrade Foundation and Wycombe For Fairtrade Steering group established priorities.
The Group has opened a community bank account in the name of Wycombe For Fairtrade. Withdrawals shall be made on the signature of two of the Group officers. Cheques require two Group officers’ signatures. Quarterly Community Account balances are provided by Barclays Bank indicating income and expenditure transactions.
Records of the Group’s income and expenditure shall be kept by the Treasurer. A short report should be made to each Group meeting with full accounts presented to the Annual General Meeting.
Changes to the Constitution
Changes to this Constitution may only be made at the Annual General Meeting or a Special General Meeting which should be called and advertised in the same way as an Annual General Meeting. At least two thirds of those present must agree any such changes.
The Group may be dissolved by a two thirds majority of those present at an Annual General Meeting or a Special General Meeting called for this purpose.
Any assets remaining after settlement of any debts and liabilities shall be transferred to another organisation seeking to promote the principles of Fairtrade and Trade Justice in the town of High Wycombe, or in the absence of any such body, to the Fairtrade Foundation.