The steering group of Wycombe for Fairtrade is made up of individuals from different backgrounds who all believe in the Fairtrade cause. Other like-minded local people are always welcome to join us. Please contact the secretary to arrange attendance at one of our meetings so that you can better understand the work that we do and get to know the existing members.

Wycombe for Fairtrade – inspirations, proudest moment and plans for 2024
Fairtrade allows marginalized producers to access and compete in otherwise unfair, sub-optimal, global markets, thus reducing inequality while promoting inclusivity.
Our proudest moment entailed the Mayor and Ambassador of Costa Rica launching the Celebration Partnership Coffee at Highcrest Academy, donating a Fairtrade “sister” towns plaque to the school for its Fairtrade advocacy, joint teaching, and pupil engagement.
2024 objectives include upscaling our successful coffee project to engage wider regional or small independent roasters. We plan to encourage other secondary schools in High Wycombe to connect with the Colegio Bilingue in Grecia, Costa Rica. Work is underway to join our local university with an institution in Nairobi, Kenya. (107 words).
High Wycombe’s Global Links for Fairtrade
Please click the image below to read the full detail.