The Avenue Methodist Church, Rutland Avenue
Schools/Higher Education
- Has been an on-line meeting with the lecturer for the MBA course at Bucks New Uni
- Two 40-minute sessions have been delivered to students
- Attended meeting of Sustainability Committee at Bucks New Uni
- Contact with Fairtrade Foundation re: arranging a talk to be given at Bucks New Uni by a Fairtrade farmer
Treasurer’s report
Pann Mill stall 12/05/24
- Good weather and good pitch position
- Children’s section very successful and eye-catching
- Contact made with a teacher from a local primary school who teaches about Fairtrade
Social Media
- Discussion re: posting on our Facebook page
- Steering group’s new e-mail address nearly up and running
Wycombe and Grecia/Coope Victoria Partnership
- Fairtrade Guernsey have agreed to work with us on our ‘Galleon’ coffee project
- 2 kilos of beans sent from Coope Victoria to roaster in Guernsey
Barbican Event 04/06/24
- Part of the Fairtrade Foundation’s 30th anniversary celebrations
- Plan to ask the speakers for their opinion of ‘direct trade’
- Are progressing the 2nd article for the Journal of Fair Trade
- Discussion on possible venue for future meetings
- Social event to mark the 10th anniversary of Wycombe becoming a Fairtrade town
- Stall booked for ‘Wycombe Celebrates’ event on 08/09/24
- Fairtrade Foundation’s website has been revamped
To be arranged