Minutes of 18th June 2019


Micklefield Library, Micklefield Road

Those present

  • Mike King
  • Sarah Moroz
  • Sheena King
  • Jhon Munoz
  • Angus Massie
  • Bob Smith

Apologies Tony Thornby and Ivan Cicin-Sain


AM – Is trying to set up a network of Wycombe churches to see who is doing what on Fairtrade (FT).

BS – His church (Avenue Methodist) has a new minister starting in September who will cover both Wesley and Avenue churches. The Avenue church has not yet reopened following the fire.

MK – 13th FT town conference is in October in Cardiff. MK and SK have registered – £50 for the three days.

JM – Will be going. Depending on how far the formal links have gone with Grecia, it may be possible to arrange a link-up with Matt.

SK – Alternatively we could perhaps do a video of Matt and the Mayor and pass this on to the Mayor of Grecia.

MK – Or through Skype.

MK – Re: Matt’s offer of holding our next meeting the Mayor’s Parlour. MK has responded to this. We could see if someone from Bewley’s could attend.

JM – Coffee bean samples from Co-op Vittoria have been sent to Bewley’s quality assessment team.

MK – Following our event on 20th May, MK, JM and Emily Dixie
attended a talk at Bewley’s given by Greg from the World Coffee
Research Institute. Arabica coffee hybrids are being investigated to
make supplies more resilient and disease-resistant. It is estimated
that coffee demand will have doubled by 2050. They also attended a
coffee tasting event in London at which a lady called Delmy Relgado
was talking. She was from Cocafelol which is in Honduras and
supplies Bewley’s with coffee.

SK – Has seen the Grumpy Mule coffee in Tesco and they name the
co-operative Cocafelol on the packaging.

MK – Bewley’s have a very good relationship with their cooperatives.
The talk by Louise showed how labour-intensive the coffee production system is.

SK – Re: TT’s email about the website and how the video on the
homepage needs updating. There is material from World FT Day
which needs to go on.

JM – Has had contact with Geronimo from the SPP (the small
producers’ organisation).

SM – Asked what was preventing SPP from being sold in the UK,
when they do sell in France etc.

JM – It is a different situation in France because there are more small
ethical independent retailers but we may be able to get samples to a
company like Bewley’s.

MK – There is also Urocal from Ecuador who produce bananas and
cocoa. There was someone from them at the Madrid conference.
They have several certifications including Rainforest Alliance, Organic
and SPP. Their bananas are smaller and they have sold them nearer
to home to be put into smoothies.

AM – There is only one variety of banana that will travel well.

MK – Is trying to see if it is possible to have stall space at the Cardiff
conference for Co-op Vittoria.

JM – It would be good to arrange a follow-up Skype call with Grecia
and Vittoria. When we have our next meeting at the Mayor’s Parlour,

JM will be willing to give a presentation about our contacts with Latin
American producers.

MK – We are waiting to make contact with the person who will take
over from Emily Dixie at Bucks New University.

JM – The stall in the entrance to M&S on May 11th was good. JM sent
photos of the stall to Co-op Vittoria showing that we were displaying
their products. He also sent the video that we made for Facebook to
Grecia. At the end of the Pann Mill Day on May 12th, we did a
Facebook live link with Grecia.

MK – We need to have a social gathering to celebrate five years as a
FT town and eleven years as a group. MK suggests ‘Chiltern Taps’ in
the town.

MK – Re: The produce from Bewley’s for the 20th May event –
Bewley’s said that we can sell it to raise funds.

SK – There is another Pann Mill stall event on Sunday 14th July. SK is
willing to organise this.

SK – Showed a packet of FT freeze-dried berries that her brother had
on an aeroplane – the company was ‘Landgarten’ (Austrian).

MK – Commented that it is interesting to look at the World Coffee
Organisation website.

Next meeting:

Potentially Tuesday 13th August 8pm at the Mayor’s Parlour – MK will liaise with Matt.

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