Those present
- Mike King
- Jhon Munoz
- Sheena King
- Ivan Cicin-Sain – Wycombe Friends of the Earth
- Sarah Moroz
MK – (see Chairman’s report) – gave an account of the 2019 Cardiff conference and the establishment of the link with Grecia/Coope Victoria leading to the signing of a joint agreement. In Oct 2019 FT Town status was successfully renewed. JM/MK meeting with the Costa Rican ambassador at the embassy in London. The signed agreement is now displayed in the embassy. The Politicon event at John Hampden in Feb 2020 and contact made with a teacher there who mentioned that fellow teachers at Wycombe High may also be interested. Possible Spanish language/student links discussed with her. Wycombe Sound interview during FT Fortnight. Coffee Boffin quiz 2-day event at Christ the Servant King church and on 7th March the faith groups FT event. FT breakfast at Bucks New Uni at which our new A2 poster board was displayed. Most students were aware of FT. Another interview on Wycombe Sound on International FT Day. JM took part in a Spanish language teams/Skype discussion with Grecia/Coope Victoria and CLAC and was the only representative from the UK. Achievement of arrangements for a Costa Rican anniversary coffee. Business plan was developed by interested coffee company and discussions took place with their partner roastery. This led to the roastery deciding to swap to Coope Victoria coffee beans for 2021 to coincide with the Costa Rican anniversary of independence. This could potentially have a large economic benefit for Coope Victora/Grecia.
SM – vote of thanks for MK’s work
SK – (see Treasurers report) We have relied on goodwill funds for the first 8 years (since 2008). A bank account was formed in 2016. SK referred to spreadsheets sent out previously. We received 2 cheques of £250 from Christ the Servant King church. During FT Fortnight 2019 we had a ‘Big Brew event’ at CSK and a local cake-maker made some wonderful cakes. We gave her a donation. A major expense was paying for public liability insurance. Also the hire of Wright’s Meadow Community Centre. Food donations from Bewleys have been used at various events. We have applied to be included in the Waitrose green token scheme. It is hoped that there will be student exchanges etc in future and we need to explore every possible avenue for more funds.
Re-election of officers
AM has responded: SM proposed/ MK seconded
TT – MK proposed/SM seconded
JM – SK proposed/MK seconded
I C-S – JM proposed/ SK seconded
MK – JM proposed/SM seconded
SM – SK proposed/I C-S seconded
SK – JM proposed/MK seconded
Bucks New Uni rep – vacant position.
MK has heard that the committee is continuing and meeting in a couple of months (MK is on this committee)
Lesley is an associate member of Wycombe for Fairtrade
MK – due to coronavirus it is difficult to have stalls etc at the moment. We need to start thinking about other possible activities. We can discuss ideas at next meeting
MK – asked if anybody wanted to suggest any changes to our constitution.
Nobody wanted any changes made.
MK – took part in an on-line forum organised by Scottish Fairtrade. One of the speakers was from South Africa.
MK – Matt Knight is unable to be a member at the moment – he is very busy. He is an honorary member though. It may be good to get the support of another councillor. We could perhaps invite them to a Zoom meeting. We want to let them know about our link with Costa Rica and about our support for local businesses.
JM – Frances Alexander has passed away. Collective condolences were expressed – she was very helpful to us in the early years of Wycombe for Fairtrade.
Next meeting
October 13th TBC