Minutes of Zoom Meeting of 13th October 2020

Those present

Mike King
Jhon Munoz
Sheena King
Tony Thornby
Sarah Moroz
Ivan Cicin-Sain – Wycombe Friends of the Earth


I C-S – re: discussion paper on group resilience etc – Wycombe FOE lost several committee members at the same time and saw the need to set up some sort of back-up arrangement
SK – concerned re: our low numbers. Not sure how it would work for us
TT – agree that we do need more members to enable this. During virus problems it would be good to have some specialised project to concentrate on
I C-S – perhaps each person could write a paragraph to describe their role.
JM – need to attempt to get more members
MK – would also be good to hold a fundraiser of some sort. Each person can apply to become someone else’s shadow.
SM – Lesley may be able to act as a consultant in education field
MK – there is also another lady at Christ the Servant King who has a background in education.
I C-S – would be willing to shadow JM re: Facebook/Twitter
MK – would like to learn more from TT and also willing to help with education
SK – would be willing to shadow SM and also interested in church links
I C-S – no updates on FOE/Population Matters at the moment. It is most important to get a shadower for the Chairman.
He is thinking of perhaps combining ‘Finding Greta’ with another project.
TT – would also like to act as a shadow on obtaining grants etc. He has experience with various charities.
MK – will get newsletters from Community Interest Bucks forwarded on to TT
MK – wants us to contribute ideas on what we are aiming to achieve particularly engaging with young people
TT – re: the new e-mail accounts. We have the 2 new e-mail addresses. Steve Guy helped set these up as he controls the access. Two passwords have been chosen, as previously given.
MK – need to set up a proper weekly rota
I C-S – a monthly rota may be better
MK – will do up to Nov 1st, then we will each do a month – he will send round a rota
JM – re: latest on Grecia/Coope Victoria – we have now received the design for the banner (MK showed this).
MK – the company we used for our other banner does not have a base in Wycombe any more. MK will compare prices from other companies. There will be a Spanish version – they will get their one
printed. We can send both versions to the Costa Rican ambassador and the English version to Matt and to Maz.
MK – together with his friend, Tony B, has been writing an article which was sent to Maria Angela – she sent some very useful suggestions – they are now going to submit it to the Journal of Fair Trade – the article argues that FT is more than just economics but includes cultural concerns etc as well.
I C-S – did a Masters in environmental systems theory and would like to take a look
MK – will send it to I C-S for comment
TT – has found a company in Kent which will do a roller banner for £36. Some local companies are more like £100. There is a big variation in prices.
MK – has been contacted by Janet Gladstone from Bucks New Uni re: the Environmental, Sustainability and FT committee – the next meeting is on 9th Nov which he will attend.
Re: MK’s compilation report of collaboration with Grecia/Coope Victoria since October 2019 – he will send it to the SE Regional FT rep, to FT head office and to Joanna Pollard who organised the Yorkshire FT forum on 19/10/20.
TT – see his article on Facebook re: Nestle being questioned by MPs.
MK – will send out the bank account details with the Nov agenda so that we can each pay our membership fees.
MK – has been working with JM to prepare a meeting with a councillor to update them on what we are doing and how we are trying to promote links with Grecia/Coope Victoria and promote
Wycombe businesses to Costa Rica as well. Will try to arrange meeting with our local MP as well
JM – with Maz and Matt finishing as Mayor/Deputy Mayor next year this would be good to arrange
MK – if local MP is not interested we need to contact the all-party group on South America.
TT – there is also an all-party group on FT. Holly Lynch and Jason McCartney are co-chairs of this and were at the meeting with Nestle.
JM – we should perhaps approach the councillor first.
MK – if we find supportive MPs in the all-party group on FT, that may be the better way ahead.
TT – we have more Twitter followers than the all-party group on FT. There are 10 MPs in the group and it was formed in late 2015. See www.parallelparliament.co.uk website

Next meeting

To be arranged

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